Multilateral minutes

EU finance ministers meet in an effort to stop the Euro-bleeding.

Turkey hosts a major international conference on Somalia–is there any international crisis Turkey won’t try to tackle?

Clinton, on her way to China, demands “an international–not just a regional response” to North Korea’s torpedo attack.

Russian lawmaker insists that new UN sanctions wouldn’t prohibit a planned sale of surface-to-air missiles to Iran.

Cameron and Sarkozy make nice on policy towards the EU.

The international tribunal for Sierra Leone could call Naomi Campbell as a witness.

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Multilateral minutes

Merkel gears up to lobby the G20 for a new financial markets tax. Meanwhile, Canada encourages China to oppose it.

Brazil and India tell the World Health Organization to stop backing Big Pharma.

Is NATO’s next stop Palestine?

World Bank assistance for Lebanon–it may not be coincidental that Lebanon has a Security Council seat at the moment.

Australia’s PM reconsiders the shape of Asian multilateralism.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization to discuss the Kyrgyz crisis.

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What does it all mean?

Let’s stipulate something: it is exceedingly unlikely that a new round of Security Council sanctions–and certainly not the very modest ones being discussed now–will dissuade Iran from pursuing a nuclear weapons program. Even if the Council were to pass the current draft unanimously and with tears of joy in its collective eye tomorrow, most observers agree that Tehran’s policy wouldn’t change. Given that, what should one make of the diplomatic scheming, maneuvering, and vote-counting at the United Nations? Does the exercise in messy multilateralism have any value? Below, in no particular order, are some theories on that question:

1. No other option: On this view, those concerned about Iran’s nuclear weapons program have no good alternatives. Israel doesn’t have the military wherewithal to do to Iran’s program what it did to Syria’s (and Iraq’s before that). Even a U.S. military strike is not certain to destroy hidden and buried facilities, but it is certain to inflame the region and endanger U.S. and international forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. So even if the chance that sanctions will be effective is vanishingly small, we should pursue them because there’s really nothing else to do.

2. Delay and Complicate: Sanctions may not change the minds of the mullahs but they can at least make the work of cobbling together the components for a nuclear weapons program more difficult. Iran has to worry that imports of necessary parts and technologies will be seized, and the draft resolution gives added authority to those countries able and inclined to sniff around suspicious cargo. In effect, sanctions ratchet up the costs for those involved in helping Tehran get the bomb (this assumes that Iran doesn’t already have everything it needs) and perhaps slows the process down by a matter of months. And those months could be precious. The simmering discontent with the regime could boil over at any point, leading to regime change and (likely) a new nuclear policy. Sometimes, kicking the can down the road is good policy.

3. Great Power Team-Building: In my book on the Security Council, I argue that one of the often overlooked values of the Council is that it helps keep the major powers in touch with each other, aware of each other’s sensitivities and interests, and that it can help drag out potential international crises, giving the big powers time to adjust their expectations and figure out face-saving exit strategies. The perceived need for Council consultation acts like a speed brake on international crises and serves as a check on dangerous unilateralism. Yes, Iran getting a nuclear weapon is undesirable, but ratcheting up big-power tension and possibly even sparking a great-power crisis by ignoring the Council would be much worse. So if consultation helps keep Moscow, Washington, Beijing, London, Paris, Brasilia, Ankara, Mexico City, and Tokyo (to name just the biggest players) on the same page–or at least in the same chapter–that’s valuable. And by respecting the Council process, Washington may make it tougher for other countries inclined to unilateralism to ignore it later.

4. Laying the Moral Groundwork: For those more sanguine about the military option, there could be another value to the process: securing yet another round of sanctions helps show the world that any eventual military strike was the last resort. Flash forward to spring 2011. U.S. bombers have just returned from the first of a series of strikes on Iran’s nuclear facilities. “Four times we went to the UN for sanctions,” President Obama could tell the world as he announces the strikes, “and four times Iran defied the international community.” For some key U.S. allies and for some portion of world public opinion, that effort may make a difference.

5. Dangerous Distraction: The above theories all posit that, however meager the results, Security Council diplomacy has some value. But what if it’s counterproductive? One argument is that the intense focus on process in New York distracts and deludes policymakers. Presidents, prime ministers, and foreign ministers get so focused on securing a resolution that they simply stop asking themselves whether it does any good. Mesmerized by the gyrations at the UN, they don’t do the hard work of preparing other options. Meanwhile, Tehran presumably inches closer to the bomb. In this view, time is on Iran’s side, and Ahmadinejad is secretly pleased to have the West tangled up in Security Council procedure.

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“Last effort by the West”

Tehran is working hard to paint the current dynamic on the Security Council as a struggle by the West to cling to power, even as emerging powers like Turkey and Brazil assume new prominence. According to one senior Iranian official:

This [UN Security Council draft] resolution is the last effort by the West…They feel that for the first time in the world developing countries are able to defend their rights in the world arena without resorting to the major powers [and] that is very hard for them.

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Multilateral Minutes

U.S. ambassador Susan Rice insists the draft Security Council resolution introduced yesterday gives existing measures “additional teeth.” Iran gives the draft “no chance.”

Too many cooks: the IMF’s Strauss-Kahn calls for more centralization of Europe’s fiscal policy.

Court shopping: Spanish super-judge Baltasar Garzon suspended at home but cleared to work for the International Criminal Court.

Convinced that North Korea was behind the sinking of its ship, Seoul mulls asking the UN for tougher sanctions.

Russian foreign minister Lavrov warns the EU and NATO to stay out of its backyard.

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U.S. ready to circulate Iran sanctions resolution

In testimony before the Senate, Hillary Clinton just announced that the U.S. has reached agreement with Russia and China and is ready to circulate a draft resolution to the rest of the Security Council.

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Catch and Release

In today’s Washington Post, Anne Applebaum explores the legal and practical complexities of dealing with captured Somali pirates. In short: nobody wants the hassle of putting them on trial, so international naval forces generally set them free. Of course, they have somewhat different methods for doing so. Lucky pirates encounter British forces; unlucky ones meet Russian commandos.

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Multilateral Minutes

NATO prepares to tighten its belt, maybe by dispensing with some brass.

China welcomes the Iran fuel swap deal: “dialogue and negotiation is the best approach.”

Greece taps the first installment of EU and IMF money.

A possible bank tax will be high on the agenda for the next G20 meeting, and battle lines are already being drawn. Meanwhile, Toronto beefs up security for the June summit.

One Greece was enough: The European Commission wants closer scrutiny of national budgets.

Remember the Doha Round? The World Trade Organization chief urges Obama to get a move on.

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Security Council members react

Thus far, the Western Security Council members have reacted skeptically (here, here, and here) to the Brazil and Turkey-brokered deal with Tehran, through which Iran would ship much of its uranium to Turkey. Interestingly, Moscow appears to be doubtful as well. For the moment, China is staying mum.

If Brazil and Turkey calculated that they could lure Moscow and Beijing away from support for sanctions, they may have miscalculated. For all their misgivings about a hard line with Tehran, these countries may not be keen to hand the key mediating role–and a big diplomatic victory–to two nonpermanent Council members. The permanent five is an exclusive club and its members are accustomed to having pride of place. 

Meanwhile, the question of how the Brazilian-Turkish initiative will be treated by the other Council members could be critical. Even if Moscow and Beijing stand firm, the Tehran deal may have given other members queasy about sanctions an additional reason to oppose them–or at least abstain.

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Multilateral Minutes

Lula and Erdogan shake up the Security Council deliberations on Iranian sanctions.

Doom and gloom–including from U.S. wise man Paul Volcker–on the Euro’s future.

Madeleine Albright and other foreign policy worthies submit a new strategic plan for NATO.

Iraq and the World Bank still negotiating over a loan to  help shore up Iraqi finances.

A profile of the IMF’s “suave” front man, Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

NATO’s rep in Afghanistan is tight with Stanley McChrystal.

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